Thursday, October 31, 2013

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Without warning, death comes to thousands of earthlings each day, every second of the day, for a variety of reasons. People die in natural disasters as well as in war, we see this in the media, the newspapers, television, radio, in all forms of reporting, it comes to us daily. Rich and poor alike must face this sooner or later. In the Army I saw people die, and now being older, many of my loved ones are dead, the older I get the more death I witness on the road of life; yes, around me death is cluttering.
I've had heart attacks, strokes: and other diseases, illnesses in life, been put on diets, and I am still living, but it is still a matter of time for me, I've been fortunate to have been able to reach the age of sixty-years old, and being here, or there, one must know the day and hour is not far off, thus, one must be prepared in advance, to face it, know it is but a few pages off in the book of life.

From the day we are born, we are facing--like it or not--a dying experience, in future time, be it a week, month or century. Some see death as the enemy, a twisted enemy that wants to shatter us like glass if only it could get a hold, a grip on us.
Death has no flashing red lights, no ominous dread--it rides a pale horse often, and has no distinction between pauper and elite. It has a one time experience (usually), where body and limb lay sprawled out someplace-- and when found, is put beneath the ground: we often call these tragedies, but it is of course repeated throughout the world, everyday, and is as normal as drinking a glass of water.

Death has its form of grief for the living also, it can be crushing, and can cause dramatic changes in individuals, and families, especially if unprepared, yes indeed, and it can alter future plans. But we have only a few options when death approaches, to face it and deal with it, or pretend it does not exist, and deal with it in the afterworld, if indeed we can. If death suddenly strikes, there are of course no more phone calls to one's loved ones, no more daily business meetings or crusades, or admiring the beautiful city, or the far off mountains. No more interviews by Time magazine. One will only discover he or she has arrived, seriously arrived, and consequently arrived, at perhaps a distasteful, painful, unpleasant platform. On the other hand, perhaps at heavens door one may arrive, where famine or epidemics are no more, no more fatal elements the world has to offer, no more casualties of war; no matter where we end up, death is permanent, but not lifeless, or so I believe, and in one-way or the other, we will carry on.

Thus, this book is about death, in poetic form, after you read it, you may want to confront it, dodge it, avoid it, or try to reason with death, but what must really be done I believe is, somewhere along the line you have to make friends with it, let go of it, and make peace with those around you and God, with the time you have left. Realistically, you have little choice, your sins will follow you, dwell within you. When you die, you take with you what is inside of you, how else could it be, it is inevitable, for death does not cleanse one from a conspiracy (or scheme to cheat afterwards), now that he or she is silent-- and death has struck, you politely can not ignore it, the high command in Heaven and Hell will not allow it. Each one wants you--desperately, the question is: who gets you? The uncertainty is not in dying, that is well known, but rather in what order do you belong to? The battle never stops until after the fact.

Part Two
The Enemy
If truly to one, death is the enemy, death being the silent conspiracy of the pale horsemen, thus, one cannot afford to ignore him. This is your warning my friends, "...your deeds will follow you," Revelation 14. Break the conspiracy, face it, for death never sleeps, it hides behind the condor's dark wings, and all of a sudden it is in front of you. It is really an impossible theme to get away from. Did God plan death? "I don't think so!" that is why we live on afterwards--it was not part of his original plan, it crept in. I am not really telling you anything new, it is not any boiling new news that you will die, but discussing death, or the aspects of dying, facing the facts we must face sooner or later anyhow is prudent, and needed, with or without fear, for it is simply healthy to do so I believe; another point being, it is not a riddle, it is simple: we need to get knowledge of it, like anything else. Call it a phantom, a ghost, that stalks you, whatever you wish, but please try to approach it objectively, and with some compassion, for God has shown you it: Paul in the bible says in so many words: it is ones last enemy; but he never did fear it, nor should we.
Death takes a person, snatches him like a hawk to rodent off the ground and drag him up to its den; yes, it robs one of its potential, or can; a friend of mine at the bank back in 1993, was taken at the age of 37-years old, a stroke in his car driving home from work. A young man in his late thirties recently, died of a disease, his children still in school. A friend, an electrician, was electrocuted a number of years ago working in a steel mill. I can go on and on, all taken from life experiences, but the point being, Death comes not as a stranger, but as a rival to God's plan. Again I say, for Paul implied, the last enemy is death (1 Corinthians 15.25, 26).
Yes indeed, death can destroy life, it does, has and will, the very opposite of God's original plan. But why then do we have death? The question can be extended psychologically to: why do people sin that was not part of God's plan, and what is the penalty? Like Satan, and Adam, and mankind, we have scoffed at God's warning, and the price for this is death of course. As we see in the bible, it reads, "For the wages of sin is death..." (Romans 6:23). Consequently, death has taken over the world, animals, plants and human beings. But Christ has delivered (saved) us, yet we must die. But if man would not have sinned, or Satan, or Adam and Eve, what then? I think we would have passed 'go' (or gone from earth to heaven) without death.
Part Three
Laughing at Death
Let's not laugh at death, so many people do, for it will catch up with you one way or another. Some folks don't believe in death, others think it will never come, some even think death is better than life. Some have a fatalistic concept of it, saying, "It's not a big thing, what's the problem, once you die, you die, you sleep forever--no more problems!"
So we see people can go from one extreme to another; psychologically paralyzing themselves with the fear of death. This is of course the fate of the person who has no faith. Or someone is trying to buy God's favor. Fear of death is for the most part, common to man, to Christians as well as non Christians.
Mentally and psychologically, one can face death realistically, and make it a victory, by grabbing on to the love of God, through Christ; we see this in Romans 8.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to die tomorrow, but I would like to know about my forthcoming departure from this earth.
I am not writing this to be morbid, but because it is a subject avoided so often. And perhaps we can find in death some peace, a feat, maybe even a little wit.
Part Four
As a minister, or as a Counselor in psychology, here are my recommendations: if you have accepted your death, or transience (humanity as it is) thus, you should put your affairs in order, make a will, make peace with God, with your children (if possible); try not to make it hardship on the living; do not leave a mess of confusion. Some folks say: hell with it let them take care of it when I'm gone. It is a selfish way of looking at things, anger perhaps for dying. It is one thing to go on to heaven (assuming this is where you are going) and leaving a mess for your loved ones down on earth. Would it not be great to help those who need it still when you are gone, and you know as I do, they will need all they can to carry on: it will indeed mean a lot to them to have things in order. When my mother died, she left her will to be cremated; told me were here insurance papers were, paid the last perineum on them, gave us her account number to her bank, and phone numbers to her pensions. She even paid her last electric bill, and months rent (which she never got to use), so it would not be a hardship on the living. There was no sourness, no greed in her. I hope I can be as polite as she was upon death.
We need to make arrangements, for eventually death will grab us like a viper in the tall grass. Planning and prayer, if need be seek counsel from qualified advisors. My mother's family fought over my grandfather's estate, except for my mother who said: let them deal with it, I'll take whatever. But my grandfather left a mess, and yes, there were hard feelings between the many sisters and brothers up to the day they died. Long before death, this could have been prevented.
Just like your wedding, plan your funeral, if you want a party, so state it, as if it was a birthday party, it is up to you. You will someday, stand before God and give an account.
It has been my privilege to write this commentary for you, for deep down in my heart, I know the reader loves God, otherwise he would not have reached these last words I am now writing. People can be complex, but the true believer knows death longer has a sting; it has been conquered by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: death as I have said previously is revolution to a new beginning.
Spanish Version
Comentario sobre la Muerte
(Un Comentario de Cuatro Partes)
Por Dennis L. Siluk
Parte Uno
La Hora de la Muerte
Sin aviso, la muerte llega a miles de terrícolas cada día, cada segundo del día, por una variedad de razones. La gente muere en desastres naturales, como también en la guerra, lo vemos esto en los medidos de comunicación, en los periódicos, televisión, radio, en todas las formas de reportaje, este viene a nosotros diariamente. Ricos y pobres de la misma forma tienen que enfrentarla tarde o temprano. Cuando estaba en el ejército vi gente morir, y ahora siendo viejo, muchos de mis seres queridos están muertos, cuanto más viejo me vuelvo de más muertes soy testigo en el camino de la vida; si, alrededor de mi la muerte esta abarrotando.
He tenido ataques al corazón, derrames cerebrales y otras enfermedades, enfermedades en la vida, he sido puesto a dieta, y aún estoy viviendo, pero todavía es una cuestión de tiempo en mi, he sido muy afortunado de llegar a la edad de sesenta años, y estar aquí, o allá; uno debe saber que el día y la hora no está muy lejos, así, hay que prepararse anticipadamente, para enfrentar a esta, saber que sólo está a unas páginas de diferencia en el libro de la vida.
Desde el día en que nacemos, nosotros estamos enfrentando--nos guste o no--una experiencia de muerte, en un tiempo futuro, sea esta en una semana, un mes o un siglo. Algunos ven a la muerte como a un enemigo, un enemigo inesperado que quiere hacernos añicos como cristal si sólo esta pudiera cogernos, agarrarnos.
La muerte no tiene luces rojas intermitentes, tampoco un pavor siniestro--esta cabalga un caballo pálido a veces, y no hace distinción entre pobres o privilegiados. Esta tiene una sola experiencia en la vida (normalmente), donde el cuerpo y las extremidades descansan estirados en algún lugar--y cuando es encontrado, es puesto debajo de la tierra: a veces los llamamos tragedias, pero este, por supuesto, es repetido a través del mundo, todos los días, y es tan normal como beber un vaso de agua.
La muerte tiene su forma de aflicción para los vivientes también, esta puede ser aplastante, y puede causar cambios dramáticos en las personas, y familias, especialmente si no están preparadas, si ciertamente, y esta puede alterar planes futuros. Pero nosotros sólo tenemos pocas opciones cuando la muerte se acerca: enfrentarla y hacernos cargo de ella, o pretender que esta no existe, y hacernos cargo de esta en el más allá, si de verdad podemos. Si la muerte sobreviene repentinamente, no habrá por supuesto más llamadas telefónicas al ser querido, no más reuniones de negocio diarias o luchas, y no más admiración de la bonita ciudad, o de las montañas lejanas y no más entrevistas con la revista Time. Uno sólo descubrirá que él o ella ha llegado, llegado seriamente, y consecuentemente llegó, talvez a una plataforma dolorosa y desagradable. Por otro lado, talvez uno llegue a las puertas del cielo, donde no hay más hambrunas ni epidemias, ni más elementos fatales que el mundo tiene para ofrecer, ni más casualidades de guerra; independientemente de dónde terminamos, la muerte es permanente, pero no sin vida, o eso es lo que creo, y de una forma u otra, nosotros seguiremos.
Así, este libro es sobre muerte, en forma poética, después que lo leas, tu talvez quieras enfrentarla, esconderte, o evitarla, o tratar de razonar con la muerte, pero lo que debe de hacerse creo, es de que en algún memento a lo largo de la vida tú tienes que hacerte amigo con ésta, y dejarla, y tener paz con todos alrededor de ti y con Dios, con el resto del tiempo que te queda. De manera realista, tú tienes muy pocas elecciones, tus pecados te seguirán, morarán contigo. Cuando mueres, te llevas contigo lo que tienes dentro, cómo más podría ser, es inevitable, porque la muerte no te va a limpiar para una conspiración (o confabulación para engañar después), ahora que él o ella están silenciosos--y la muerte ha sobrevenido, tú cortésmente no puedes ignorarla, el Comando Alto del Cielo e infierno no lo permitirá. Cada uno te quiere--desesperadamente, la pregunta es: ¿quién te obtendrá? La incertidumbre no está muriendo, esto se sabe bien, pero más bien ¿en qué orden tú perteneces? La batalla nunca se detiene hasta después del hecho.
Parte Dos
El Enemigo
Si es verdadero a uno, la muerte es el enemigo, muerte siendo la conspiración silenciosa del jinete pálido, así, no podemos permitirnos ignorarlo. Esta es tu advertencia mi amigo, "...tus acciones te seguirán", Revelación Capítulo 14. Rompe la conspiración, enfréntala, porque la muerte nunca duerme, esta se esconde detrás de las alas oscuras del cóndor, y de repente está enfrente de ti. Es realmente un tema imposible de alejarnos. ¿Dios planeó la muerte? "Creo que no" es por eso que vivimos en el más allá--esta no era parte de su plan original, esta se escurrió dentro.
Realmente no te estoy diciendo nada nuevo, no es una nueva hirviente noticia que tú vas a morir; en cambio, analizar la muerte, o los aspectos de morir, nos enfrenta a los hechos a los que nosotros tarde o temprano debemos enfrentar, de todas maneras es prudente y necesario, con o sin miedo, porque es simplemente saludable hacerlo, yo creo; otro punto es, de que no es una adivinanza, simplemente es: que necesitamos tener conocimiento de este, como cualquier otra cosa. Llámalo a esto una aparición, un fantasma, que te acecha, lo que desees, pero por favor trata de acercarte a este objetivamente, y con algo de compasión, porque Dios te lo ha mostrado: San Pablo dice en la Biblia con estas palabras: es nuestro último enemigo; pero él nunca lo temió, ni tampoco nosotros debemos.
La muerte se lleva una persona, la arrebata, como el águila lo hace con el roedor de la tierra, y lo arrastra arriba a su escondite; sí, nos roba de su potencial, o puede. Un amigo mío del banco allá en el año 1993, fue llevado a la edad de treinta y siete años, un derrame cerebral mientras el manejaba su carro de regreso a casa. Un hombre joven en sus últimos treintas recientemente murió de una enfermedad, sus hijos todavía en la escuela. Un amigo mío, un electricista, se electrocutó unos años atrás mientras trabajaba en un molino de acero. Puedo continuar y continuar, con casos tomados de las experiencias de la vida, pero el punto es, La Muerte viene no como un extraño, sino como una rival a los planes de Dios. De nuevo, digo, porque San Pablo implicó, el último enemigo es la muerte (1 Corintios 15. 25, 26).
Si, ciertamente, la muerte puede destruir la vida, ésta lo hace, lo ha venido haciendo y lo hará, muy opuesto a los planes originales de Dios. Pero, ¿por qué entonces tenemos a la muerte? La pregunta podría ser extendida psicológicamente a: ¿por qué la gente peca, que no fue parte del plan de Dios, y qué es la sanción? Como Satanás, Adán, y la humanidad, nosotros nos hemos mofado a la advertencia de Dios, y el precio por esto es la muerte por supuesto. Como vemos en la Biblia, esta dice: "porque el pago del pecado es la muerte..." (Romanos 6; 23).
Consecuentemente, la muerte se ha apoderado del mundo, animales, plantas y seres humanos. Pero Cristo nos ha salvado de esta, pero todavía tenemos que morir. Pero si el hombre no hubiera pecado, o Satán, o Adán y Eva, ¿qué entonces? Creo que hubiéramos pasado "ido" (de la tierra al cielo sin morir).

Parte Tres
Riéndose de la Muerte
No nos riamos de la muerte, tanta gente lo hace, porque esta te alcanzará de una forma u otra. Algunas personas no creen en la muerte, otros piensan que esta nunca vendrá, algunos incluso piensan que la muerte es mejor que la vida. Algunos tienen un concepto derrotista, diciendo "¡No es una gran cosa, cuál es el problema, una vez que mueres, moriste, dormirás eternamente--no más problemas!"
Vemos que hay personas que pueden ir de un extremo al otro; paralizándose psicológicamente con el temor a la muerte. Esto es por supuesto el destino de la persona que no tiene fe. O de alguien tratando de comprar los favores de Dios. El temor a la muerte es por lo general, común al hombre, para cristianos así como a no Cristianos.
Mental y psicológicamente, podemos enfrentarnos a la muerte de modo realista, y hacer de esta una victoria, aferrándonos en el amor de Dios, a través de Cristo; lo vemos esto en Romanos 8.
No me interpretes mal. No quiero morir mañana, pero me gustaría saber sobre mi próxima partida de esta tierra.
No estoy escribiendo esto para ser morboso, sino porque este es un tema evitado muchas veces. Y talvez podamos encontrar en la muerte alguna paz, una hazaña, talvez incluso un poquito de ingenio.
Parte Cuatro
Como ministro, o como un consejero en psicología, aquí están mis recomendaciones: si tú aceptaste tu muerte, o tu humanidad (humanidad tal como es) así tú deberías poner tus cosas en orden, hacer un testamento, tener paz con Dios, con tus hijos (si es posible); trata de no crear una penuria con los vivientes; no dejes un lío de confusión. Alguna gente dice: al diablo con esto, deja que ellos se encarguen de esto cuando ya no esté. Esta es una forma egoísta de ver a las cosas, rabia talvez por morir. Es una cosa ir al cielo (asumiendo que allí es donde estás yendo) y otra cosa es dejar un lío para tus seres queridos en la tierra. No sería fabuloso ayudar a aquellos que necesitan cuando te hayas ido, y tú sabes como yo lo se, ellos necesitarán todo lo que ellos puedan para continuar: esto significará, ciertamente, mucho para ellos para dejar las cosas en orden. Cuando mi madre murió, dejó en su testamento que quería ser cremada; nos dijo dónde estaban los papeles del seguro, ella había pagado hasta la última cuota de éste, nos dio el número de su cuenta bancaria, y los teléfonos de quienes les pagaban su pensión. Incluso ella pagó su último recibo de electricidad, y su alquiler del mes (el que ella nunca lo llegó a usar), para que no sea una penuria para los vivientes. No hubo amargura, ni ambición en ella. Espero que yo sea tan amable como ella lo fue a la hora de su muerte.
Necesitamos hacer planes, porque eventualmente la muerte nos cogerá como a una víbora en la hierba alta. Planes y oraciones, si se necesita busca a un consejero de asesores capacitados. La familia de mi madre peleó sobre los bienes de mi abuelo, excepto mi madre que dijo: déjalos que ellos se encarguen de esto, tomaré lo que sea. Pero mi abuelo dejó un desorden, y sí, hubo resentimientos entre los muchos hermanos y hermanas hasta el día en que ellos murieron. Mucho antes de la muerte, esto pudo haber sido prevenido.
Justo como con tu boda, planea tu funeral, si quieres una fiesta, entonces dilo, como si este fuera una fiesta de cumpleaños, esto depende de ti. Tú algún día, estarás enfrente de Dios y le darás cuenta de tus actos.
Ha sido un privilegio para mi escribir este comentario para ti, porque en la profundidad de mi corazón, yo sé que los lectores aman a Dios, de otra forma él no habría alcanzado estas últimas palabras que ahora estoy escribiendo. La gente puede ser complicada, pero los verdaderos creyentes saben que la muerte ya no nos hace daño, esta ha sido vencida por la resurrección de Jesucristo; la muerte como lo dije anteriormente es una revolución a un nuevo comienzo.

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Owning real estate resort condominiums in the Orlando area will provide you and your renters with access to all the theme parks around Central Florida plus the hundreds of discount attractions in or near Orlando. Orlando's nickname is The Beautiful City". It more than lives up to its name with its towers of gleaming glass metal skyscrapers set between sparkling lakes. Orlando is also all about historic preservation also. You will find charming brick streets and many gardens and parks. Cultural attractions near Orlando Florida investment Properties include the Morse Museum of American Art where a permanent display of Tiffany glass is on exhibit along with American paintings from the 19th century. The Orlando Museum of Art features American portraits and landscaping, art of the ancient Americas and American impressionist works. Looking for a garden oasis far removed from the hectic tourist pace? Try Leu Gardens, an oasis covering 50 acres featuring annuals, palms and an orchid house. These fine cultural experiences will seem like cheap deals for their reasonable price.

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The list goes on and on. After spending a fortune at the major attractions, you will appreciate finding low cost but fun entertainment near your investment Property. A trip to Florida would not be complete without a visit to Gatorland. The name says it all, as this 70 acre park is home to thousands of gators and some crocodiles. Breeding pens and nurseries are available to view, containing critters of all sizes. Don't miss gator feeding time when you will get a close up view of gators in a feeding frenzy. This family owned park also has a mini water park for children, a petting zoo and a 2000 foot boardwalk which winds its way through a cypress swamp. Looking for the "au naturale" wild side of Florida? Wekiwa Springs pumps 42 million gallons of sparkling clear water a day. Canoeing, swimming, picnicking and fishing are popular outdoor activities. You are also likely to spot a gator in the wild, along with other wildlife native to Florida. For information on these and other local Orlando attractions and to check out the lowest price at

Renting Florida investment Properties
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013


If you are looking for a European tourist destination, consider the Piedmont region of northern Italy. Depending on your interests, this beautiful area might be an ideal vacation spot. You can get classic Italian food, and wash it down with fine local wine. There are even some parts of Piedmont that haven't yet been discovered by tourists. This article presents "the rest of Piedmont", Piedmont outside Turin, the region's capital and largest city. A companion article presents Turin.
Piedmont means foot of the mountains, and that describes the area perfectly. A large part of the region is surrounded by hills and by mountains such as the Alps. While the setting is beautiful, don't expect a Mediterranean climate such as found in most of Italy. The Piedmont climate is continental, with hot summers and cold winters, especially in the plains.

We'll start our tour of the Piedmont at Stupinigi just west of Turin and go west to the Bardonecchia near the French border. Then we will head south and east to Alba and finally northeast to the city of Casale Monferrato near the Lombardy border.
Stupinigi, a village of about two hundred inhabitants a few miles southwest of Turin in central Piedmont is our first stop. The Palazzina di Caccia (Caccia Hunting Lodge) was built early in the Eighteenth Century. With its 137 rooms and 17 galleries, it is really something to see. It houses the Museo d'Arte e Ammobiliamento (Museum of Art and Decoration). The lodge is surrounded by the Parco Naturale di Stupinigi (Stupinigi Nature Preserve) with its collection of rare plants and animals.

The nearby city of Rivoli was once the court of the House of Savoy. It is home to the Fifteenth Century Casa del Conte Verde (House of the Green Count). Rivoli also hosts the Museo d'Arte Contemporaneo (Museum of Contemporary Art) in a castle that was started in the Eighteenth Century but only completed in the past century. Its permanent Italian art collection focuses on Minimalist art, Conceptual art, Land art, and the Arte Povera Movement.
The Abbazia di Sant'antonio di Ranverso abbey founded in the Twelfth Century by the Hospitaliers of St. Anthony is said to be the site of phenomenal cures for a multitude of ailments. The buildings, the frescoes on the walls, and the landscape itself give the impression of being in the Middle Ages. Charlemagne may have visited the area.

The Sacra di San Michele (Abbey of St. Michael) was built during the late Tenth Century for the Benedictine order about one thousand years ago on Monte Pirchiriano. This site overlooks a three thousand foot bluff and its view is spectacular. The abbey was once the control point for almost two hundred European churches including the famous Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France. The Abbey of St. Michael was subject to numerous assaults over the centuries and abandoned in 1622. It was restored more than one hundred years ago. The site also contains three small chapels built during the Ninth to the Twelfth Centuries.
The ski resort of Bardonecchia near the French border is located in a sunny Alpine valley surrounded by mountains. It hosted some events during the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics including the snowboarding giant slalom. There are about 140 kilometers (90 miles) of snowboarding and ski trails for all skill levels. The nearby village of Sestriere was a main venue during the 2006 Winter Olympic Games and the 2006 Winter Paralympics. It hosted all the men's alpine skiing competitions and was the site of an Olympic Village. The resort offers night skiing and, during the summer, Europe's highest altitude eighteen hole golf course.

Times change. During the Middle Ages the town of Pinerolo was a major crossroads in Italy and so a key fortress of the dukes of Savoy. Now it's a quiet town with about 35,000 residents, a Ninth Century Cathedral, and the Gothic church San Maurizo (St. Maurice). It also has two recent claims to fame. In the days of Louis XIV Pinerolo held a French prisoner whose face was never seen. They called him The Man in the Iron Mask. More recently Pinerolo was the site of the Curling competition during the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics.
Saluzzo, population approximately sixteen thousand, boasts a Lombard-Gothic Cathedral built at the end of the Fifteenth Century and several churches of interest. The town itself is well preserved. It was the site of Chaucher's The Clerk's Tale in his Canterbury Tales.
The city of Alba was once known as the "City with a hundred towers." A few remain. There is a cathedral and several churches worth seeing in addition to the F. Eusebio Municipal Museum of Archaeology and Natural Science. But if you go to Alba, it's probably because of the wine and the white truffles. Both Barolo and Barbaresco wines are produced within a few kilometers of the city. And its nickname is "The City of the White Truffle". If you want to try any of these great local products bring your wallet.
Alba won a Gold Medal for Military Valor to honor its citizens and their participation in the Italian resistance movement during World War II. The partisans liberated Alba in October 1944 and established the Republic of Alba, which survived only a few weeks. It was named after Piedmont's Napoleonic Republic of Alba which survived much longer, namely between 1796 and 1801.
Asti has often competed with its neighbor, Alba, lying about 18 miles (30 kilometers) to the northeast. They both were known as the City with a hundred towers. They both produce white truffles. And they are both important wine producers. Asti Spumante, now called Asti, was probably the best-known Italian sparkling wine. Please note that we did not say the best Italian sparking wine. The Asti area produces still wines that compete nicely with many of the Alba wines. On the third Sunday of September Asti celebrates its victory in a Middle Ages battle against Alba with the Palio d'Asti, a bareback horse race preceded by a medieval pageant. You'll also want to see the city's remaining towers, the Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta (Saint Mary of Assunte Cathedral), and the Gothic San Secondo Church.
We finish our Piedmont tour in the city of Casale Monferrato. Its Cathedral of Sant'Evasio was first built in 742, and rebuilt in the beginning of the Twelfth Century. There are other churches and a castle to visit. You should also see the Jewish Synagogue built in 1595 and considered one of the most beautiful synagogues in Europe.
What about food? The Piedmont region is well known for all kinds of food, often with a French style. Don't forget that the French House of Savoy ruled the region for more than five hundred years. In 1986 in the Piedmont city of Barolo Carlo Petrini founded the Slow Food association to protest against the opening of a MacDonald's in Rome. Within twenty years Slow Food has grown to 80,000 members in 100 countries. Slow Food fights to defend classic agriculture in order to protect the environment and ensure that local, artisanal products are economically viable and widely available. Every second October they hold an international exhibition and conference.
Let's suggest a sample menu, one of many. Start with Bagna Cauda (Vegetable Dip with Anchovies, Garlic, and Olive Oil). Then try Carbonada (Veal Stew). For dessert indulge yourself with Zabaione (Zabaglione - Egg Yolks, Marsala Wine, Cinnamon and Sugar). Be sure to increase your dining pleasure by including local wines with your meal.
We'll conclude this article with a quick look at Piedmont wine. More than half of Piedmont's wine production is either DOC or DOCG wines. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin, presumably a high-quality wine. Piedmont is home to least 44 DOC wines. There are seven DOCG wines where the letter G stands for Guarantita. Among the DOCG wines are Barolo, arguably Italy's finest red wine, and Barbaresco. But you can find many other fine DOC or unclassified wines in the Piedmont.


 So you've decided to holiday in Tuscany. Villas, to rent, are probably your first port of call. But once you've sorted out your accommodation, what then? Chances are you're probably visiting Tuscany because of its beautiful scenery comprising luscious green fields, golden cornfields, mountain ranges, dense forests, and rustic sunsets. If so, you should definitely find time in your busy holiday schedule to visit some of the various nature reserves of Tuscany. Villas to rent are, in fact, the perfect platform to let you explore the scampering wildlife, wild moors and alluring views of the region - a perfect postcard snapshot of life in the Mediterranean!

In total, Tuscany has two national parks, three nature parks and 54 nature reserves. The following are a selection of this scenic portfolio.
Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi
When you visit Tuscany, villas to rent can put you in the very centre of the action. The Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi should be at the top of your 'must see' list. Situated to the northwest of Arezzo and Vallombrosa, this park is made up of dense and untouched forests. It is swimming in diverse, visually appealing fauna and is a very popular destination for the region's swarm of devoted hikers and walkers.

Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano
This national park is the largest in Europe, not just Tuscany. Villas to rent are a good idea to give you a base to explore this rich scenic area. There are seven secluded Tuscan islands in total making up this national park: Elba, Giglio, Capraia, Gorgona, Pianosa, Giannutri and Montecristo. Each of the seven punctuates the clear waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, and an extensive area of this park, as well as roughly 60,000 hectares of sea, are under conservation.

Parco Naturale della Maremma
This particular nature park runs alongside the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. It boasts an extremely varied collection of natural scenery and heaving wildlife. There are steep rocky hillsides, winding rivers and pea-green marshes, and prickly pine forests. The Parco Naturale della Maremma truly and beautifully captures the wildness of Tuscany - Italy's 'Wild West'.

Parco Naturale Alpi Apuane
The Alpi Apuana is the name for the area of land between Lucca and Carrara. It is an alluring mountain kingdom which comprises sharp, menacing deep ravines and steep mountainsides.
Furthermore, its snow-white marble and clusters of callous caves are home to many of the rarest and most unique animals of Tuscany. Villas to rent for a length of time are recommended as a starting point to discover this picturesque park.
Giovanni Balboni works for To Tuscany, who specialise in finding the perfect Tuscany villas to rent in Chianti as well as selected villas in Umbria and Puglia. To Tuscany is proud of their villas and their reputation. Their Tuscany villas to rent are personally selected and visited by our representatives to ensure we offer only the best in the region.

Beautiful anime nature

 The beauty of nature and the glory of all the elements that make up nature like plants, animals, water, land, air and many more are in inspiring nature wallpapers. If you love to admire natural surroundings or you love to be surrounded by nature then nature backgrounds, images and breathtaking pictures are all for you to download and enjoy online.
 No matter how young or old you are, there are so many benefits of having nature wallpapers as your desktop image rather than other background images. Here are some of the advantages:

1. Nature wallpapers can take you to wondrous memories like your past vacation, a romantic getaway or maybe a memorable place where you had so much fun. Remembering can improve a person's memory and enhance his mental and cognitive skills as well.

2. Nature backgrounds can signify a specific place that you have never been to but planning to go to in the future. This nature image can serve as your inspiration as you work all day long.
3. Nature pictures can also mean a place where you find deep inspiration and personal relaxation. Images of a beach, an oasis, a garden or maybe a forest can invoke these feelings most of the time.

4. Nature images maybe pictures that you may have taken yourself when you had a relaxing vacation. You can use these personal photos as your inspiration or as a remembrance of your wonderful time outdoors as memorable desktop décor.
5. Nature wallpapers may also serve as reminders to keep the environment safe and healthy. These photos can remind us of our share in helping Mother Nature in our own personal abilities.

Each nature lover may have special reasons why they love and worship nature and all its beauty in radiance. With these reasons, nature theme for wallpapers and desktop backgrounds are one of the most favorite choices among sites. Here are several ways to enhance nature wallpapers:
1. Try high definition nature wallpapers that have richer and bolder colors. With HD wallpaper, you may need a better monitor resolution which can project high definition images. Viewing images in true HD can totally change your computing habits; after getting used to viewing pictures in HD, you will never look at any image the same way again.
2. Try 3D nature images that can totally revamp the way you watch and view images. 3D images and pictures seem to pop out of the monitor making you feel like you are actually within the picture.
3. There are various nature wallpapers complete with creative nature sounds like water gushing, waves reaching the shore and even the sounds of birds chirping to make you feel the display even more.
4. A monitor with a better resolution and bigger screen can make all the difference when you want to view landscape nature pictures.
5. Arrange icons so that they can never block nature wallpaper views. You can reduce the number or reduce the font size and icon size of your desktop through making tweaks on the display.

Beautiful anime nature

 Nature is all about physical appearance, beauty of natural things which is surrounded by us everywhere. Nature wallpapers are something related to nature itself which represents the glorious charming beauty of nature.
  Everything related to nature i.e.wallpapers, themes, screen savers and pictures are quite demanding among all. Nowadays everyone wants that their computer screen and their mobile phones must look different from others, they should look attractive in every aspect. One can easily change their themes, pictures and wallpapers just by downloading them through Internet. There are various links one can click to get them all in few seconds.
 Now a days there are ample number of websites that are offering unlimited free downloading of nature images for their consumers. These Nature pictures have a great variety of different wallpapers and a wide range according to the need which suits ones mind.
 We can easily get wallpapers of beaches, cloud, countryside, lakes, rivers and many more by the click of mouse. We can also select wallpapers like butterflies, plants and animals. We can find any type of wallpapers according to our personal interest. Thus, wallpapers related to nature are very common among youth. We can find it through nature photo gallery and of no cost.
 The colorful natural images are very close to our heart. One can choose multiple of nature wallpapers and nature photos through various websites at no cost and change them according to the need.
Also we can send it to all our friends and relatives and make it save on our computer and mobiles screen. Apart from this, nature pictures are also very common. Everyone likes the pictures of natural things as they represent what is good and beautiful on this planet. These look attractive and also make us feel calm and better. It can also change our presence of mind and make us feel the beauty of nature without any stress & changes our state of mind.

Beautiful anime nature

 Animated moving pictures make the perfect accents all homeowners truly love. Although it is often hard to decide as to which accents to select for your place, but with the presence of such wonderful wall decor, this job has become pretty easy. Generally, every homeowner wishes to have decor which is beautiful, chic as well as cost effective.
 . People also want that the accents they get must complement their overall theme of the interior as well. Animated moving pictures have all these attributes and thus make the perfect accents for your place.
 The beauties of these wall decors are certainly breathtaking. You can find fantastic scenes of nature and city in them. Soothing beaches, wonderful sunsets, mesmerizing city skyline scenes, enchanting forests, magical waterfalls and much more... the animated moving pictures are all about exquisiteness.
  Not only this, the 3D art makes them extremely elegant and realistic. You will actually be able to feel the peace and serenity portrayed in these wall decors within your place. This realism, in fact, makes these wall pictures more appealing than the ordinary home accents.

 As these wall accents are extremely affordable as well, homeowners with limited budget can also benefit from them without any problem. Just in a few dollars you will be able to perfect the look of your home. a few 3D in your home can makes just the right decor and will save you from spending thousands of dollars on accents which will not prove to be as worthwhile.
Furthermore, the versatility of these animated pictures also makes them the ideal decor for any setting. No matter if you have a modern or a tradition interior you will be able to find a perfect moving picture to complement your decor.

Beautiful anime nature

 Nature is all around us, and its beauties are unlimited. In this fast-paced world of mocha-lattes and traffic jams at rush hour, too many of us take the beauty of nature for granted. Luckily, there are still people in the world who see this beauty and choose to share it with those of us that are too busy to normally take notice.
  Poets and photographers are great at this. They take what seems like the ordinary and present it to us in a way that shows us the elegance, the magnificence and the amazing that is on this rock we call Earth.

What is Nature Photography?
So what do we mean when we say nature photography? Well, it may seem obvious but let's go ahead and explain. Nature is our natural environment. It is those things that exist in our world without human intervention; such as trees, grass, flowers, a forest, a river, and animals in their natural environment.

Nature photography is the photography of these things. There is a wide spectrum that is included in nature photography. Pictures of sunsets, sunrises and ocean waves lapping at the shore are all nature photography. So are the trees in the forest and beautiful flowers growing in an open field.
But nature photography can go even deeper than that, showing us parts of the world that we may not be able to see otherwise. If you live in the south, you may not see snow-capped mountains if it wasn't for nature photography. You may not be able to see a deep canyon, a volcano, or a beautiful beach if it were not for photographs of these places.

The photographers that bring us pictures of these places give us an image of something we may never see. It's truly an amazing gift to give.
Nature Photographers
But what if you are one of the people taking these pictures? What if you are the nature loving photographer that gives this fantastic gift to someone else? You are giving a gift to other people. But you are also doing something you love. Nature photography can only be achieved by someone who has a love for nature and sees its beauty and can capture it in a photograph so others can view it and have a touch of the same experience.
So how do you take great nature photography? The first step is to have an eye for these beautiful images. The second step is to have a camera. That's really all it takes. But as you grow as a photographer, you will learn how to take the best pictures and capture the image in a way that others can view it as the amazing sight that you saw. You will learn about lighting and backgrounds and focus and you will take better pictures.
Nature photography is a rewarding experience for the photographer and also for the people who get to view the results. You have taken a piece of nature that may otherwise go unnoticed such as a rainbow, and you capture it permanently in an image that you can look at any time you choose. This is a pleasing and rewarding part of photography. In nature photography, you are able to take two things that you love and combine them in a beautiful and artistic way.